Thursday, March 5, 2020

Conjugating Diriger (to Direct) in French

Conjugating Diriger (to Direct) in French In French, the verb  diriger  means to direct. Its a simple word, though conjugating it to the past, present, or future tense can be a little tricky. Thats because there are a few spelling changes that you need to watch out for. Dont worry, though, a  quick lesson will show you how to handle this verb. Conjugating the French Verb  Diriger Diriger  is a  spelling change verb  and it follows the pattern of other verbs that end in -ger. This includes  dà ©ranger  (to disturb)  and  bouger  (to move), among others. The spelling change is subtle  but important. As you study the table of conjugations, notice how a few forms follow the G with an I rather than an E. This is done to ensure that the G is pronounced with a soft sound because certain vowels typically change it to a hard sound. With that in mind, simply match the subject pronoun with the present, future, or imperfect past tense. For instance, I direct is je dirige and we will direct is nous dirigerons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je dirige dirigerai dirigeais tu diriges dirigeras dirigeais il dirige dirigera dirigeait nous dirigeons dirigerons dirigions vous dirigez dirigerez dirigiez ils dirigent dirigeront dirigeaient The Present Participle of  Diriger To change  diriger  to the  present participle, add -ant  to the verb stem to create  dirigeant. This is quite versatile as it acts as a verb, adjective, gerund, or noun as needed. The Passà © Composà © and Past Participle A  common way to express the past tense directed is with the passà © composà ©. To form this, add the  past participle  dirigà ©Ã‚  to the subject pronoun and appropriate conjugation of the  auxiliary verb  avoir. For example, I directed is jai dirigà © and we directed is nous avons dirigà ©. Notice how  ai  and  avons  are conjugates of  avoir  and the past participle does not change. More Simple  Diriger  Conjugations There may also be times when you need to use one of the following conjugations. The subjunctive verb mood is useful when there is some degree of uncertainty to the verb. Likewise, the conditional is used when it may or may not happen because the action depends on something. Those are used more often than the other two forms. Its likely that you will only encounter the passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive in formal writing. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je dirige dirigerais dirigeai dirigeasse tu diriges dirigerais dirigeas dirigeasses il dirige dirigerait dirigea diriget nous dirigions dirigerions dirigemes dirigeassions vous dirigiez dirigeriez dirigetes dirigeassiez ils dirigent dirigeraient dirigrent dirigeassent To express  diriger  in commands or requests, use the imperative form. When doing so, the subject pronoun is not required, so you can use dirige rather than  tu dirige. Imperative (tu) dirige (nous) dirigeons (vous) dirigez

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